

the cold
is like the spanking we got as children
it is bitter in the moment
our breath is swept from us
but just think something as cruel as the cold
could only exist if we knew something better
the warmth that ravels us in spoils
has got us thirsting for its sweet taste
as the winter sets in
the ground is coated in white cake
it bites our toes as we walk down the street
the air is robust and fat with ice
that when it hits us
we are shriveled and frightened
the people rally and stare at the cold
no matter what it does 
we shall celebrate
this is the day of Christmas
Sweet smell of pine trees lined across the road
makes a smile form on children and old
Bulbs sway in the freezing wind
but never let go of the tree
Children wait and look through all the goodies and toys
hoping they may receive one
to get through the artcic storm
 Grannies and Grampas all happy at heart
homes full of parties and snacks
their stomachs full with cheer and ham
the nativity scene that is cuddled in the corner of the block
shines brightest of all on this night
now some may say the cold is too cold 
and should go away
but think about this
perhaps you'll consider
that without the cold 
this wouldn't be winter

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