

How have you been? I know I haven't blogged in a while. But it has been busy here.  I am going on a missions trip to St. Lucia. I sang yesterday at our school talent show and I almost through up the first time we practiced.  I went to bed last night around 3ish A.M. watching The Return of Nim's Island and HGTV. Friday nights..... -_- I mean :D I also went to Eatin Park last night and ordered a King's size of onion rings and an ice tea. I then came home and as a said earlier was up super late. :() I got up this morning to the sun shining and my Dad playing a video of me singing super loud. It was 1:00 P.M. and I still laid there and slept for another 45 minuets. And finally got up. I then walked sluggishly down to the kitchen where I found bags full of brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and more desserts. I grabbed a bag of  cookies and sneaked back to my room where I scarfed down the whole bag. :) I then came down and am now eating a cheeseburger.
Thats my day....

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1 comment:

  1. I love the butterfly and flower pictures!

    Kaitlyn N.


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